1: Meet the prairie dog, known for keeping its burrow clean with separate rooms for sleeping and bathroom activities.

2: The cat is a fastidious groomer, spending up to half of its waking hours cleaning itself with its rough tongue.

3: The African elephant impresses with its daily dust baths, using mud and dust to keep cool and protect its skin.

4: The dolphin is a hygiene champ, constantly rubbing against coral and sea creatures to remove dead skin and parasites.

5: The honeybee is a standout cleaner, meticulously grooming each other to maintain a healthy hive and prevent diseases.

6: The hippopotamus may look messy, but it secretes a pink oily substance that acts as a natural sunscreen and antibacterial agent.

7: The elephant shrew is a tiny yet tidy creature, carefully maintaining its burrow and grooming itself regularly with its long nose.

8: The giraffe's height gives it an advantage in cleanliness, allowing it to reach its entire body to groom and remove parasites.

9: The proboscis monkey stands out for its cleanliness, spending hours grooming its reddish-brown coat and maintaining social bonds.